El animal que adecuado para usted

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Nariz de cerdo occidental

Facilidad de atención: Intermedio

The Western Hognose Snake (Heterodon nasicus) has a modified rostral (nose) scale, which is where the name ‘hognose’ comes from. This shovel-like scale enables the Hognose to be very adept at burrowing, which they love to do! In their natural habitat, they can be found in sandy prairies, scrublands and flood plains. Similarly, to the Cobra, the Hognose puffs out their head and neck when threatened and blows out air producing a ‘hiss’ sound during this process. This species rarely bites, it is only ever a last-resort action. Their main defence mechanism is playing dead, they go into an upturned/belly-up position, with their tongue hanging out and cover themselves in their own excrement to make themselves ‘un-edible’ to the potential predator.

Tamaño adulto

Around 1.5ft

Vida útil

Up to 20 years


Thawed Rodents





Temp. de fondo

22-25 °C (72-77 °F)

Zona de baño

30-32°C (86°F-90°F)

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Preparación de su
Nariz de cerdo occidental

Kit de inicio para cría de serpiente

  • Para crías de serpientes
  • Todo lo que necesitas para empezar en una sola caja
  • Incluye Terrainium: elija entre acabado roble o negro
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